"Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice"

Joseph Smith - The Book of Mormon - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Yesterday, I spent some time at the temple with some of my dearest SISTERS....On our way home, we got into a conversation over "our times"...and from this conversation...lead me to add an additional POST this week....

A couple of weeks, ago, while I attended the temple, the line "GIVE STRICT HEED"....that Adam admonishes us to DO....seemed to "penetrate" deeply into my spirit....Those of you who are temple goers, know that Adam was referring to our "prophets and apostles"....and those whose records are now recorded in the scriptures...

I was thinking WHAT IS the LORD telling us...in General Conference...regarding "these times"...What is He telling us to do...in preparation for "our times"....Every 6 months, we receive that counsel....

For example, let's take THIS WEEK's TALK..."To Learn, to Do, to Be"...Our PROPHET, President Monson, addresses TODAY's ECONOMIC TIMES..."businesses have failed, jobs have been lost, and investments have been jeopardized."

Our PROPHET and the APOSTLES are FULLY AWARE of "our times"... He then tells the priesthood...and "I might ADD", we SISTERS of the RELIEF SOCIETY..."we must make certain that those for whom we share responsibility do not go hungry or unclothed or unsheltered." He then said..."when the PRIESTHOOD (I will add, again, the Relief Society) of this Church WORKS TOGETHER AS ONE in meeting these VEXING CONDITIONS, NEAR MIRACLES TAKE PLACE."

He continuded to counsel us to be 1. PRUDENT in our planning; 2. CONSERVATIVE in our living; 3. AVOID EXCESSIVE or UNNECESSARY DEBT.

He asked us to MAKE OUR HOMES: sanctuaries of righteousness, places of prayer, and abodes of love that we might MERIT THE BLESSINGS that can come only from our Heavenly Father. WE NEED HIS GUIDANCE IN OUR DAILY LIVES."

Though, President Monson was addressing the PRIESTHOOD, His words are for US as well...We, too, are "agents of the Lord." We, too, are "on the Lord's errand."

We as SISTERS have a GREAT WORK to do...UNITED we can, also, see "miracles take place"...

Like ADAM declared to us, we must "GIVE STRICT HEED" to our living PROPHET...and the apostles...We will not be able to STAND...unless we DO....EXACTLY what they ASK us to do...

I pray with all my heart...you are ALL reading the General Conference talks...They are for OUR PROTECTION..............UNITED...we can get through "our times"....

I have a TESTIMONY that SUNK DEEPLY into my SOUL...that the counsel of "GIVING STRICT HEED"...is paramount to our salvation....I LOVE EACH OF YOU...WE ARE SISTERS....in a GREAT WORK...TOGETHER...we will NOT FAIL....I say as meekly as I know how to do... In our Beloved Savior's name... Jesus Christ....Amen.

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