"Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice"

Joseph Smith - The Book of Mormon - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Yesterday, I spent some time at the temple with some of my dearest SISTERS....On our way home, we got into a conversation over "our times"...and from this conversation...lead me to add an additional POST this week....

A couple of weeks, ago, while I attended the temple, the line "GIVE STRICT HEED"....that Adam admonishes us to DO....seemed to "penetrate" deeply into my spirit....Those of you who are temple goers, know that Adam was referring to our "prophets and apostles"....and those whose records are now recorded in the scriptures...

I was thinking WHAT IS the LORD telling us...in General Conference...regarding "these times"...What is He telling us to do...in preparation for "our times"....Every 6 months, we receive that counsel....

For example, let's take THIS WEEK's TALK..."To Learn, to Do, to Be"...Our PROPHET, President Monson, addresses TODAY's ECONOMIC TIMES..."businesses have failed, jobs have been lost, and investments have been jeopardized."

Our PROPHET and the APOSTLES are FULLY AWARE of "our times"... He then tells the priesthood...and "I might ADD", we SISTERS of the RELIEF SOCIETY..."we must make certain that those for whom we share responsibility do not go hungry or unclothed or unsheltered." He then said..."when the PRIESTHOOD (I will add, again, the Relief Society) of this Church WORKS TOGETHER AS ONE in meeting these VEXING CONDITIONS, NEAR MIRACLES TAKE PLACE."

He continuded to counsel us to be 1. PRUDENT in our planning; 2. CONSERVATIVE in our living; 3. AVOID EXCESSIVE or UNNECESSARY DEBT.

He asked us to MAKE OUR HOMES: sanctuaries of righteousness, places of prayer, and abodes of love that we might MERIT THE BLESSINGS that can come only from our Heavenly Father. WE NEED HIS GUIDANCE IN OUR DAILY LIVES."

Though, President Monson was addressing the PRIESTHOOD, His words are for US as well...We, too, are "agents of the Lord." We, too, are "on the Lord's errand."

We as SISTERS have a GREAT WORK to do...UNITED we can, also, see "miracles take place"...

Like ADAM declared to us, we must "GIVE STRICT HEED" to our living PROPHET...and the apostles...We will not be able to STAND...unless we DO....EXACTLY what they ASK us to do...

I pray with all my heart...you are ALL reading the General Conference talks...They are for OUR PROTECTION..............UNITED...we can get through "our times"....

I have a TESTIMONY that SUNK DEEPLY into my SOUL...that the counsel of "GIVING STRICT HEED"...is paramount to our salvation....I LOVE EACH OF YOU...WE ARE SISTERS....in a GREAT WORK...TOGETHER...we will NOT FAIL....I say as meekly as I know how to do... In our Beloved Savior's name... Jesus Christ....Amen.

Monday, February 23, 2009

"To Learn, to Do, to Be"

Our LIVING prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, gave a marvelous talk to our Priesthood brethren...but, Sisters...the counsel he gave them is just as meaningful to US...He quoted these great verses out of Ezekiel 36:26-28....Then, President Monson asked the following questions: "How might we MERIT this PROMISE? What will qualify us to receive this BLESSING? Is there a guide to follow?"

He gave "3" imperatives for our consideration: "May we learn what we SHOULD LEARN, DO what we SHOULD DO, and BE what WE SHOULD BE."

He gave this promise...that "a kind Heavenly Father will HELP us in our QUEST."


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Any heavy loads out there?

We women would not have heard this talk...if your life is perfect with no "ruffling of feathers" then you can pass on this talk, but if you've ever felt like jumping off a cliff...then read it!

I gathered 2 main points from Pres. Eyring here:
(1) as women, we've got to gain MORE FAITH in order to have the power to carry our heavy burdens....he talked about working out our muscles to the exhaustion point and then that's how we build muscle and get our "desired" result ...likewise, we have to exhaust our efforts to get close to Him, then the POWER will come, the faith will increase -- how exciting is that?!

(2) and for our men, our husbands - bless their hearts; I'd hate to be out in that world, hearing what they hear and see, fighting "worldly" attitudes, they're absolutely bombarded with the
height of evil, struggling with their own emotions and shortcomings all the time trying to provide a living for their families, AND fulfilling their church callings willingly and eagerly... what's not to love!!! Darn if I'm going to give my guy anything else to put on his shoulders!! I will love him, cherish him, praise him for his unrelentless efforts; I will appreciate him everyday and hug him and tell him a 100 ways that I do...

President Pratt spoke Sunday of "lifting"....how it's O U R J O B to lift! Stop the doubting, the wishing for something better or different, even if I've been justified in feeling hurt or "done wrong"....it's MY JOB to stop those negative thoughts...stop it now - just lift, serve - we talk of service so much....but forget "service" is also and maybe more importantly OUR ATTITUDES...am I serving my husband by getting mad at him, holding grudges (even if justified)...how do I SERVE myself? - putting myself down, comparing my situation to others? I can't be "serving" myself any good like that! I know Father is NOT pleased with THAT KIND of service.....WOW - no wonder they tell us to ponder, ponder, ponder....many truths in single words, much happiness to be had....if only....we truly lived the gospel principles...


Monday, February 16, 2009

"O Ye That Embark"

Though this talk was given in the Priesthood session, there are pearls of WISDOM and counsel that we Sisters can draw upon in Elder Eyring's talk - "O Ye That Embark"...

Ever felt you were so "stretched" in a calling....or even in a role in life....motherhood, being a wife, being single, or a trial that you think you can't be "stretched any farther"....? Elder Eyring addresses this subject.

A line or two: "the more faithful service you give, the more the Lord asks of you." "...He increases our power to carry the heavier load." "Increased spiritual strength is a GIFT from GOD which He can give when we push in His service to our limits." "When those feelings of inadequacy strike us, it is the time to remember the Savior." "We don't do this work alone."

D&C 84:88 "...I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my spirit shall be in your hearts, and MINE ANGELS ROUND ABOUT YOU, TO BEAR YOU UP." What a magnificent line..."mine angels round about you, to bear you up." Elder Eyring TESTIFIES of this, also...

I loved the story of the missionary who was given 12 to 13 companions who wanted to go home...NOT one ended up going home...because of the attitude of this one missionary who had received them as companions....."I never had a companion who was failing."

Though, Elder Eyring was talking about individuals still SEEKING the gospel in their lives, I would like to equate this line to US... that YOU and I have been INVITED to "become changed by the Atonement and (made) fit to go home and live with Him (our Father).

Saturday, February 7, 2009

"Lift Where You Stand"

President Uchtdorf's talk in Priesthood: "Lift Where You Stand".... What a wonderful talk...Sisters...For those of you who do NOT know the story of the "stonecutter" who did the work on the Salt Lake City TEMPLE...then, you MUST read this talk...It is FANTASTIC....They have a DVD out on John Rowe Moyle's EXAMPLE of his dedication in serving the Lord against very trying circumstances...It is so WORTH watching... (I found a CLIP from the movie and posted it at the top of the BLOG)

The essense of this talk is..."if we stand close together and lift where "we" stand"... then "nothing can keep this divine work from moving upward and forward." President Uchtdorf also addresses those who SEEK positions in the Church and those who...HIDE from responsibilities in the Church...As he puts it...."...may we cease to ASPIRE and cease to RETIRE!".... (smile)


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Winning the War against Evil"

Oh...Sisters...If you have YOUTH at home....Have one of them...study this talk...and present it for Family Home Evening....It is a MARVELOUS talk....I read it on the plane coming home, yesterday....

Elder Hamula first presents the WAR in HEAVEN...Satan role there and his role HERE on earth...Discusses "God's kingdom" here on earth...how "God's kingdom will not be lost but will OVERCOME THE WORLD..." Discusses why were were saved for THESE LATTER DAYS...why we were CHOSEN...how we were "ENTRUSTED" to come to earth at this time...

Elder Hamula's counsel to our YOUTH...of what NOT to do...How WE can WIN THE WAR against Satan...that we did it ONCE before - in our premortal world....and how we can WIN - FINALLY - again! We already have the QUALITIES IN US....to WIN!!! (I love WINNING...!) (smile)

My favorite line truly was the one chosen in the "Ensign": "You were ENTRUSTED to come to the earth in these last days to do AGAIN what you did BEFORE---to once again CHOOSE GOOD over EVIL."!!!!!

When did YOU come to know the PLAN of our Heavenly Father's was TRUE????