"Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice"

Joseph Smith - The Book of Mormon - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Friday, October 30, 2009

Quote by Elder Neal A. Maxwell

This morning, Joanna Ebanks, posted her daily quote by Elder Maxwell...that prompted me to ponder over his statement:

Here is Elder Maxwell's quote:

"Mostly, brothers and sisters, we become the victims of our own wrong desires. Morever, we live in an age when many simply refuse to feel responsible for themselves. Thus, a crystal-clear understanding of the doctrines pertaining to desire is so vital because of the spreading effluent oozing out of so many unjustified excuses by so many. This is like a sludge which is sweeping society along toward "the gulf of misery an endless wo." Feeding the same flow is the selfish philosphy of "no fault," which is replacing the meek and apologetic "my fault." (Ensign, Nov 1996, p.21)

Then, Joanna asked, "Why do we kick against the pricks like we do?"

Here is my response:

You asked WHY do we "fight against the pricks...so much"....GREAT QUESTION....I am first reminded of NEPHI...who is lamenting over the same issue...In SECOND Nephi...Chapter 4...beginning in verse 17...he says..."...my heart sorroweth because of my FLESH (the natural man); my soul grieveth becasue of mine iniquities. I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me...." "....when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have TRUSTED." It isn't until Nephi gets to verse 28 when he says...."AWAKE, MY SOUL! No longer droop in sin. REJOICE, O my heart, and give PLACE NO MORE FOR THE ENEMY OF MY SOUL." Nephi continues in this vain....as he STRUGGLES to put his TRUST in GOD FOREVER....

I think of the kind of man NEPHI was...all the TRIALS he had passed through...When he went through this process...in this section of the scriptures...it had been nearly "30" years...of HARD CHALLENGES....He had been REFINED under many "refiner's fire"....As a PROPHET...he is still lamenting over his SINS...At what point...was he ABLE to RELEASE the NATURAL MAN that each of us possess?

I think it is a constant BATTLE...of our "will" vs. "Father's will"....or we would do things perfectly like Christ did...I believe...it is something we MUST PRAY FOR....As we EXPERIENCE....Father's LOVE...as we EXPERIENCE....tests and trials in our lives...and are able to RECOGNIZE Father's hand in it and develop that PERFECT TRUST....will we be only, then, able to FINALLY SHED the NATURAL MAN....We can't shed it without CHRIST....
I believe, also, at some point in our lives....we must understand that we will NEVER be able to CHANGE anyone...ONLY THE HOLY GHOST has the AUTHORITY to TESTIFY to the HEART...We can be EXAMPLES of "discipleship"....that might "inspire" another to make "changes" in their lives...but, we can NOT "change" how another individual behaves...I am now beginning to understand...that if the desires of our hearts are right with the SPIRIT...we can only PRAY....for "changes" in those we are most concerned about...The GIFT...our Father gave us...AGENCY TO CHOOSE....is THE TEST of LIFE...The only person we can concentrate on CHANGING is OURSELVES....

Do you remember how Benjamin Franklin made a list of virtues he felt important to master in this life...then, tried his upmost for one month to live ONE of those written virtues...??? Then, the next month...he worked on another virtue that was on his list...I believe he had around 11 virtues...so "11" months over the year...he concentrated on ONE virtue...TIMES that with his 80 + years....well...I would think one would progress rather nicely....Not a bad idea...to come up with a list for ourselves...I actually have one...It is time I pull it out....and start PRACTICING....Seems I will need to ROTATE once a WEEK....I don't have 80 more years to PRACTICE....(smile)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

COME...Listen to a PROPHET's VOICE.....

As we walk along this path of General Conference together...We began with President Uchtdorf's talk on importance of LOVE....and how to LIVE the FIRST and SECOND GREAT COMMANDMENTS...

Then, we read the POWER of the BOOK OF MORMON presented to us by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland....which will "strengthen our testimony...bless our families...and INCREASE our desire to LIVE the gospel of Jesus Christ..."

Now, we come to FEAST upon the words of our PROPHET, President Thomas S. Monson...who spoke to us and the world...on Sunday morning....What was his COUNSEL to us....? What did the LORD want us to hear....and do....with our lives.....I suppose, we can ask those set of questions with EACH conference talk that is delivered to us........

Let's, however, begin with President Monson asking us a KEY question ..."What have you done for someone, today"....?

Linda Evans
Served on many "cooking" assignments and helped prepare foods
for the HOMELESS - YOUTH - WARD and STAKE events
Sabrina Cottrell - showing the YW how to decorate cakes
Some years, ago, I was assigned to guide the "Pursuit of Excellence" program for Relief Society...(never understood WHY that program went by the waste side....I SAW what it did FOR the Sisters...POWERFUL...) Anyway, remember, when we, as sisters, set goals that we wanted to accomplish in a year...under several headings...Motherhood, Service, Education, Spiritual, Emergency Preparedness, Self Mastery, Home Management, Financial Management, etc.? I remember I would ask sisters what they accomplished in their goals that week...and many...would say..."Oh, I didn't do anything special...this week..." I could see how often sisters did not RECOGNIZE all their acts of SERVICE....and COUNTED all the things they LEARNED that week....thinking it was NO BIG DEAL...and didn't see that they did in fact "PROGRESS" during the week...and that GOALS TRULY were being met....I recorded over 1200 individual goals that had been met that year...It was incredible...

Ann and her sweet "Mama" decorated and prepared a baby shower for Amanda McFadzean

Ever hear anyone express how they wish they KNEW their Savior? Or struggle with personal SELF ESTEEM.... or "wonder if they are doing any good"....??? or hear people lament...that what they do for others...is not all that much....

President Monson...quoted one of my favorite scriptures....“When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.” - Every LITTLE TINY ACT of GOODNESS....is an act towards CHRIST....FOR CHRIST....This is one way we come to KNOW HIM! Through our little acts of SERVICE....
Then, President Monson...quoted this...scripture...and made the following remarks:
The Savior taught His disciples, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.”5
I believe the Savior is telling us that unless we lose ourselves in service to others, there is little purpose to our own lives. Those who live only for themselves eventually shrivel up and figuratively lose their lives, while those who lose themselves in service to others grow and flourish—and in effect save their lives."
Shelly Bush - Spends time "feeding our children" spiritually
and on occasion..."physically" (smile)
As President Monson talked about all the little acts of service...others did...after he expressed what he wanted for his birthday....I wonder how many ACTS of service each of you do each day....yet...perhaps...don't think of it in those terms: Washing your families' clothes; making meals; saying a kind word; listening; doing the dishes; etc. etc.

How fun...it would be...to take a JAR...as a family...and for every ACT of SERVICE that was done...put a coin/money in a JAR....(like the jar of jelly beans idea)...When it was full....you could either do a FAMILY FUN night...or GIVE the MONEY away to someone in NEED...or take the money...and put it towards the FAST OFFERING...OR MISSIONARY FUND...or the PERPETUAL EDUCATION FUND....or whatever...you thought would be a great way for the funds to be used....NO MATTER...how it was to be used...it would be...a SYMBOL....of kind acts for our LORD and SAVIOR....a reminder...that the LORD through our PROPHET, President Monson...asked us to "lose ourselves in the acts of service"....

As the WORLD continues to SHOUT...."ME....ME....ME".....!!!!! "Self FULLFILLMENT"....!!!!!What are some of the ways...you are battling AGAINST such acclamations?.....How do you teach your family about SERVING OTHERS over oneself? Any success stories?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland - "Safety for the Soul"

"I want it absolutely clear when I stand before the judgment bar of God that I declared to the world . . . that the Book of Mormon is true." Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

For those of you who WITNESSED this talk...of Elder Holland's...I would imagine...experienced much of what I experienced..."FIRE to the SOUL"...!!!!

Nearly, "36" years ago...I received my own PERSONAL witness that the Book of Mormon was true...I had been a member of the church "6" months...After months of "persecution" from family and friends...I had to KNOW beyond a DOUBT that the Book of Mormon was true...After "3" weeks...on bended knee...reading and ASKING if the BOOK OF MORMON was TRUE....I received my WITNESS...There is no DOUBT!

My testimony of the Book of Mormon became CRITICAL...on my mission...having been sent to one of the major "Bible belts" of our nation...Tennessee...My TESTIMONY... was BEYOND any doubt...carried me through in my efforts to teach PREACHERS, others, and in one of the major CHURCHES...in the Nashville area...an area that had not had a baptism in over 11 years or so...I was in a THREESOME then...We were asked to teach on the church...to a group in this church...who had individuals who sought to destroy the church...It was NOT our area, but, we were given the assignment...We brought our testimonies into 3 areas...the 3 areas in which...if any one of them was FALSE...the church would fold....The APOSTACY...The RESTORATION (Joseph Smith and the First Vision) and the BOOK OF MORMON...(which was MY assignment)...I testify...that my companions and I experienced...a POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST...in a manner I had imagined...similar at the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:2-4) I was LAST...and after we were done...a man walked up to me....and said something to this affect: "You said this was SCRIPTURE"..."if that is so...I wish to read it and find out for myself." He walked away...This was NOT our area...however, we were told later, that while the Elders tracked...they came across a home...where a man...opened up the door...and wanted to hear their message...REMEMBER, this area had not had a BAPTISM in over 11 YEARS...due to the influence of this church...I had often wondered if the man who opened up his door to these Elders...was the very one who was willing to read the Book of Mormon...Wish I had more to tell you...I do not...I only know this...that on that morning...while 3 Sister Missionaries TESTIFIED to THESE TRUTHS....the HOLY GHOST BORE WITNESS to THEM....and bore it DEEPLY into the 3 of us...

I KNOW with every FIBER of my BEING...the Book of Mormon was INSPIRED and WRITTEN by PROPHETS on THIS CONTINENT!!!! I know Joseph Smith...received the gold plates...and TRANSLATED THEM....by the POWER of the Holy Ghost!!!! The words of this book will..."condemn 'us' at the last day" (2 Nephi 33:14) King Benjamin also testified that his WORDS..."shall stand as a bright testimony against this people, at the judgment day..."

I know no other book that gives a PROMISE like this one that MORONI...presented in Moroni Chapter 10: 3-5...."when ye shall READ THESE THINGS (Book of Mormon)....PONDER it in your hearts...ASK GOD, the eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not TRUE...and if ye shall ASK with a SINCERE HEART, with REAL INTENT, having FAITH IN CHRIST, he will MANIFEST the TRUTH of it unto you, by the POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST. And by the POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST, ye may KNOW the TRUTH of ALL THINGS!"

I know this to be TRUE....In the name of Jesus Christ...Amen

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"The Love of God"

You will find ALL the Conference talks on www.lds.org - but here is the LINK to Uchtdorf's talk:

This General Conference set of discussions...I thought it would be appropriate to begin with President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk on "The Love of God" FIRST, because of the subject he presented...

When Christ was asked "Master, which is the GREAT COMMANDMENT in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all they mind. THIS IS THE FIRST AND GREAT COMMANDMENT." Matthew 22:36-38

"And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" Matthew 22:39


President Uchtdorf asked this question:
Brothers and sisters, of all the things we want to be known for, are there attributes above all others that should define us as members of His Church, even as disciples of Jesus Christ?

Sisters...have you ever asked yourself..."How does my life reflect what I truly believe?" One of my FAVORITE quotes was stated by Ganhdi: "My life is my message"....

I find it interesting...what people have inscribed on their tombstones...Take Thomas Jefferson for instance...I quote this statment from - http://sc94.ameslab.gov/TOUR/tjefferson.html :

Thomas Jefferson wished to be remembered for three achievements in his public life. He had served as governor of Virginia, as U.S. minister to France, as secretary of state under George Washington, as vice-president in the administration of John Adams, and as president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. On his tombstone, however, which he designed and for which he wrote the inscription, there is no mention of these offices. Rather, it reads that Thomas Jefferson was "author of the Declaration of American Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom, and Father of the University of Virginia" and, as he requested, "not a word more." Historians might want to add other accomplishments--for example, his distinction as an architect, naturalist, and linguist--but in the main they would concur with his own assessment.

Mine might say..."Wife, Mother, Patriot for FREEDOM" Yet, I am not certain...I qualify, yet, to inscribe..."and Disciple of Christ" After much reflection of my life, like Scooge in "A Christmas Carol"... I can repent of my ways....and try to live as closely as I can...in becoming a true DISCIPLE of CHRIST...

President Uchtdorf addresses: "How Do We Become True Disciples of Jesus Christ?"; "Why Should We Love God?"; "Why Does Heavenly Father Love Us?"; "How Can We Increase Our Love of God?"; "How Can We Hear the Father’s Voice?"; and "Why Is Love the Great Commandment?"

I loved this line of his thoughts:

"Love is the measure of our faith, the inspiration for our obedience, and the true altitude of our discipleship."

Would love your reflections...on this wonderful talk by President Uchtdorf....

I might add this...One of the CLASSIC talks I have ever heard on this very subject...was given by President Ezra Taft Benson....... "The Great Commentment - Love the Lord" given in General Conference...April 1988 -

Here is the link for this GREAT TALK: http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?hideNav=1&locale=0&sourceId=1aebd7630a27b010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____&vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD

Here is a GREAT quote from President Benson's talk:

The great test of life is obedience to God.

The great task of life is to learn the will of the Lord and then do it.

The great commandment of life is, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength” (Mark 12:30).

Sunday, October 4, 2009

179th Semi-Annal General Conference

For the past 2 days....the POWER of THE WORD....was absolutely INCREDIBLE....What I would like to hear from you is...Do you think there was a THEME....What do you think were the CONCERNS....of the Lord....What were some of your FAVORITE talks? and why????.....Were you motivated to "change" something in your life? Was there something said....that was an answer to a prayer? Was there anything stated that "surprised" you?

Will return with my thoughts...later...