"Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice"

Joseph Smith - The Book of Mormon - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Becoming Provident Providers Temporally and Spiritually"

Yes, the Brethren...are living PROPHETS and APOSTLES of our Lord and Savior...Jesus Christ! Elder Robert D. Hales, member of the Quorum of 12...addressed the concerns of thousands of people all over the world...

How are you personally handling the challenges of our day? How did Elder Hales talk affect you in the decisions you are making in handling your personal challenges in these economic times?

Monday, April 13, 2009


I like what Elder M. Russell Ballard said: (Sat afternoon session)"You don't have to spend time as a Laman or Lemuel to know it's better to be a Nephi or a Sam."

He was talking about how we should learn from the scriptures and the lessons of the past (contained in them) in order to build a solid faith for ourselves now...he said these "lessons" all over the scriptures and from our leaders should take root in our hearts and that they HAD to be written in our hearts for us to take our spirituality to the next level and to avoid mistakes....I like that too - that we need to TAKE OUR SPIRITUALITY TO THE NEXT LEVEL. It was interesting because in the opening prayer right before his talk it was said that we "should rededicate our lives"...those 2 things work hand in hand....great lessons for us:)!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Opening Address - President Thomas S. Monson

HAPPY EASTER, everyone!!! What a great way to celebrate this most wonderous "resurrection" day....We will begin with President Monson's opening address:

What did you feel/or what were your thoughts...when President Monson announced the new apostle, Elder Neil L. Andersen? Garvin and I met Elder Andersen some years, ago. He baptized a menber of our Ward....in FRANCE....Do any of you remember Mark Johnston???? (Elizabeth's husband?)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Holy Temple and Home"


From Gary Stevenson of the Seventy (Sunday afternoon session) -

"Say the word 'temple' over and over; say it quietly, then say 'holy' over and over, then say 'home'....put 'holy temple' together with home." (He was quoting Boyd K. Packer here)....Elder Stevenson said only the home can compare to the sacredness of the temple...and that we need to walk around our home with "spiriutal eyes" and renovate here and there if needed to create our own "temple".


"We Cannot Walk As Other Men"

POST FROM : Joanna Ebanks

Elder Oaks quoted John A. Widstoe - I loved that quote ....he was talking about our role and responsiblity as "latter-day saints"...I had backed up the TV and put it on pause to get this word perfect:

"We cannot walk as other men (women of course), or talk as other men, or do as other men, for we have a different destiny, obligation, and responsibility placed upon us, and we must fit ourselves to it."

Pretty cool huh!....we better "fit" ourselves to our role...what do you guys think describes the "walking, talking and doing as other women" do?....he of course said how there are great people of other faiths and we of course know that very well.....so what's our DIFFERENT DESTINY?....just curious to hear 'your take' on those words from an apostle admonishing us in OUR ROLES...

Friday, April 10, 2009

"I Will Rest In You"

Throughout General Conference...the mention of "our day"... was touched upon...Many of us have "challenges" in our life...I was introduced to this You Tube..."I will Rest in You"...At the end of this video...there is a question..."How has God rescued YOU"....???

Thursday, April 9, 2009

"Treasure Hunt"

Sandee sent me an article from the "Meridian Magazine" that got me to thinking....Who has ever gone on a "treasure hunt" or even a "scavenger hunt"?????...Perhaps, all of us...at some time in our lives...Well...we are going to participate in a "treasure hunt" on this BLOG...We are going to SEEK the "Pearls of Great Price"...that were given in this last Conference...I am going to PASTE the article Sandee sent to me....to help illustrate what I mean....

A Command Voice By Janet Peterson
Not long after President Gordon B. Hinckley became the fifteenth President of the Church in March 1995, my husband, Larry, and I were discussing the messages we remembered as the highlights of recent prophets' administrations. I commented, “President Kimball told us to lengthen our stride and to increase missionary work, to keep journals, and to plant gardens. President Benson exhorted us to read the Book of Mormon. President Hunter urged us to attend the temple and to become more Christlike. These aren't revolutionary ideas. As members of the Church we all know that we should be engaged in these endeavors. Why do we have to wait to be told?”
My husband's reply was, “You always need someone to call cadence.”
Fifteen months after Larry and I were married, we found our lives and our dreams dramatically changed by the VietNam War. Ten days after our graduation from BYU, which ended Larry's student deferment, he was inducted into the army as a Private E-1 at Ft. Ord , California . We felt that his army experience would be enhanced by serving as an officer and, so although it added one more year to his commitment, following basic training Larry entered Officer Candidate School at Ft. Benning , Georgia . OCS was a very rigorous, difficult training program designed to make army officers out of inexperienced young men.
All the members of Larry's OCS class were college graduates, and although the class started out with a large number, many of these men dropped out or were weeded out during the six-month course. Officer candidates were at times washed out over some seemingly arbitrary rules, such as not having fatigues starched stiff enough or not having the tile floors shined mirror bright. But there was one non-negotiable and overriding ability that each potential officer had to possess and if he did not, he was history---that ability was having a command voice.
Each officer candidate took a turn leading the troops on the parade ground or out in the field. Those who could call cadence, who had a command voice to direct the other candidates, were allowed to stay in the program and eventually become lieutenants. Those who did not, were immediately reassigned to other tours of duty, often immediately to the war zone.
One officer candidate I particularly remember was a returned missionary, a college graduate, a very nice person, and a committed Church member. But when it was his turn to take command, he did not have a forceful enough demeanor to be the kind of the leader the army wanted. His voice was weak, he got the commands mixed up, and the troops he was trying to lead were without proper direction. On a field at the army post in Georgia , it was only an exercise. But in the jungles of VietNam , calling cadence with a command voice and being an effective leader was a matter of life and death.
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have someone with a command voice who calls cadence for us. What the prophet tells us to do is not a mere exercise for us to practice on the parade grounds of life. What the Lord's mouthpiece instructs us to do is a matter of life and death---spiritually. The prophet does indeed speak for the Lord: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7).
While President Spencer W. Kimball served as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, he suffered from cancer of the throat and had most of his voice box removed, which changed the sound of his voice dramatically. Nevertheless, during the twelve years that he served as President of the Church and the prophet of the Lord, President Kimball, with his soft, strained, yet compelling manner, spoke with a command voice.
Each prophet in this dispensation has spoken with a command voice in giving clear and specific instructions to the Saints. Each prophet's commission to speak for the Lord did not come through a mere six-month training course, but rather through a lifetime of faith and obedience and hearkening to the voice of the Spirit. For example, Brigham Young directed the Saints in the great exodus from Nauvoo and in colonizing the Intermountain West. President Heber J. Grant emphasized the principles of work, self-reliance, and financial security. President David O. McKay stressed “Every member a missionary” and that “No other success can compensate for failure in the home.” Reinstituting family home evening, he urged parents to spend more time with their children and to teach them the gospel. President Ezra Taft Benson told mothers their place was in the home, not in the marketplace.
President Gordon B. Hinckley, who served as a counselor in the First Presidency for a number of years and then as prophet, seer, and revelator and President of the Church from 1995 to 2008, spoke with a command voice and called cadence for us. He told us, among other things, to “be a little better, to stand a little taller,” to be friendly and neighborly and the kind of people Latter-day Saints ought to be. He taught us to nurture new converts. In mid-2005, President Hinckley asked us to read the Book of Mormon in its entirety by the end of the year, the 200 th anniversary of the Prophet Joseph Smith's birth. Saints throughout the world followed his counsel. More people than ever before read the Book of Mormon and were significantly strengthened as individuals and families as they did so.
President Thomas S. Monson, who was ordained as prophet in February 2008, likewise speaks the mind and will of the Lord. What a privilege it was to hear his inspired instruction at the just-concluded April 2009 general conference. President Monson told us to focus on our blessings as members of the Church, not on our problems. He assured us that in this time of difficult challenges the Church is “doing very well” and that the Lord's work will “move forward uninterrupted.” He also instructed the priesthood holders to live worthy of that responsibility and to live by faith, not fear. In his closing remarks, President Monson warned against inappropriate, degrading uses of modern technology. He admonished Church members to attend the temple frequently and to nourish our testimonies.
We sustain President Monson as the prophet, seer, and revelator and President of the Church, but we also sustain the counselors in the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers and revelators. The other General Authorities and general auxiliary leaders speak by divine direction as well. “And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation” (D&C 68:4).
In today's world of waning moral values and confused direction from myriad sources, we do not have to wonder what is expected of us and whose clear and specific guidance we should follow. “For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?” (1 Cor. 14:8.) There is no doubt about the certainty of this sound. However, the prophet does not order us as an army officer orders his troops to follow him into battle. Yet we are engaged in an ever-increasing battle against Satan. Are we listening? Are we following our file leader? Are we willing to accept the prophet's counsel to us and implement it in our lives? Indeed, we do thank God for a prophet in these latter days who calls cadence for us: “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (D&C 1:38).

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Comments made by Joanna and Sandee

I wanted to post comments made by Sandee and Joanna from another email....It relates to this past General Conference...I wanted to make sure you all got the chance to enjoy what they wrote:

JOANNA WROTE: from President Uchtdorf: (Sunday morning session)"The more DESIRE we want to follow Him; the more we fill ourselves with the gospel....a result of our daily input (in aligning our lives with His) will increase our testimony...as soon as we set foot on the path, we will see blessings, but we must NOURISH that seed so it can take root - THEN we can taste of the fruit of discipleship...we show our WILLINGNESS TO FOLLOW Him by doing this everyday.

"He also said that this "alignment" takes time, day after day...as it becomes part of our normal day... we will see results!How exciting I think to really come to that stage of being a true disciple of Christ's - how it must feel to know we are pleasing Him, our lives will be happier even in the midst of terrible trials - isn't the gospel beautiful and how I appreciate our leaders leading us to true happy lives! Joanna

Just thinking about that word "alignment". You may know that Buddy does braces. He does the old fashioned full banded type and also Invisalign the "invisible braces". The way Insalign works a very thorough analysis of the present condition of your teeth is done. And then a computer analysis is done. A series of "aligners" are manufactured. Each one moving a little from what your teeth were to what they must become. A patient that really wants the desired results must wear their aligners 24/7. They are only removed to eat. When Sean (as an adult) had insalign treatment he was so serious about wanting results that if he was eating at a restaurant he would order the food and would wait until it arrived at the table to excuse himself to the restaurant to remove his aligners. Then the second he was done eating he would excuse himself and go and brush his teeth and put them back in.

When Kaitlyln got engaged to sweet Michael she told us over the phone (we had not yet met him) Mom and Dad he is perfect in every way EXCEPT HIS TEETH! But Dad can fix that. You might remember that Kait and I were out in Hawaii settling Tim into school when poor Michael never having met Buddy (and with the entire rest of the family out of town) flew into Florida. Cathy picked him up at the airport and he went straight to the dental office. Weird way to meet your father in law to be. But Kait wanted him to have every second available to fix those teeth before the wedding. Like Sean Michael was fanatical about never taking off the aligners and he stopped snacking all together because it interfered with leaving them in.
Michael didn't have the full time to finish the case before getting married but because of his earnestness with wearing the aligners his teeth were much improved on his special day and for all the pictures.

If someone is less valiant in wearing their aligners every single minute it of course takes longer to move the teeth and if they get lazy and leave it out for some time they will have to move back to a previous aligner for a time because their teeth begin to shift back. After the entire case another evaluation is made of the patient's teeth. Are they exactly where the dentist wants them to be? Michaels were nearly perfect but not quite so "a refinement" was prescribed. It is no additional cost to the patient (of course Michael was getting his treatment for free as the newest member of our family) but a few additioinal aligners are prescribed just to get the teeth exactly perfectly where they are to be.

Even after a case is complete and the teeth (and their roots) are perfect Buddy said that in about half the cases (this is true with full banded cases as well) the mouth is not in perfect harmony. Because of pressures due to the facial structure, jaw movement etc. the teeth are where they are supposed to be but if left on their own they will tend to revert back to where they came from. For these cases the patient must wear a retainer (much like the aligners) AS LONG AS THEY WANT THE TEETH TO STAY IN PERFECT POSITION (in other words forever.)

Sorry for the long dental lesson but isn't that interesting. We start where we are. The Lord knows where he wants us. We use the tools he's given us ( prayer, scripture reading, service, temple attendance etc.) to align our lives with His desire for us. Little by little we inch toward his vision of us. The more we use the prescribed tools the surer is our course toward that goal. If we slip up we sometimes move back a bit but we take the same tools and inch again toward what He wants us to become. And even if we get very close to that sure place we still are in need of small refinements. We continue to get closer and closer to where we want to end up. And even when we are there all is not finished. We continue to use those tools to keep us secure where He wants us to be. To hold to our course.
Have a great day!
from Sandee
(whose bottom teeth should have had a retainer and now are all a jumble)

Monday, April 6, 2009

"The Gospel Must Be the Center of Our LIves"

"Fear Not! Be of Good Cheer!" Didn't you come away from this General Conference with that as one of the directives? We have been told that we are living in the days that "Paul" saw....and that these are going to be "difficult" times, but, that we should NOT FEAR...but be of "Good Cheer"...! However, there was a statement that JUMP OUT AT ME... that President Thomas S. Monson made on Sunday morning...."The GOSPEL MUST BE the CENTER OF OUR LIVES!" Yes, I believe that WITH ALL OF MY HEART....!

There have been over the years, talks that are CLASSIC!!! I love reading some of my favorites more than once...and get "stirred up all over again"....One of those talks was the LAST TESTAMENT of Elder Bruce R. McConkie. To this day, everytime I watch or listen to his farewell General Conference talk, just before he had the privilege of "wetting the feet of the Savior's with his tears", I am moved to the center core of my being....I couldn't imagine another talk...that could equal this WITNESS of Christ in such a STIRRING manner....till Sunday morning....when Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gave an emotional witness...of the Messiah...our Savior....Jesus the Christ....If you missed it....oh....PLEASE, go online...and WITNESS his TESTIMONY of our Beloved Savior...and his pleadings to those who feel or have felt "alone"...You will come away....feeling "differently"....Right now, it is only in MP3 version...if you care to LISTEN to his talk...http://broadcast.lds.org/genconf/2009/04/40/GC_2009_04_409_HollandJR___eng_.mp3

May the next 6 months together...be STRENGTHENING...UPLIFTING....and the BINDING of our HEARTS TOGETHER....We are TRULY....SISTERS....in a DEEP ETERNAL way....Always and forever....

Saturday, April 4, 2009



Good Morning, Sisters!!! Doesn't General Conference weekends....have the most incredible "different" feel....than most OTHER WEEKENDS!!!!??? For me...it is like no other....except the weekends I gave birth to a new child or my wedding weekend...(smile) But, truly....I hope all of you...have set these next 48 hours...to be clued to "sit at the feet of "living prophets" of God...

MANY years ago...when our children were quite YOUNG....we gathered our little brood and headed for a REGIONAL CONFERENCE here in Florida...Of course, we kept telling the children they were going to see REAL PROPHETS and APOSTLES....IN PERSON!!!!

After we got everyone settled....and the BRETHREN started to walk onto the stage to sit down...and leaned over to my children and said..."Here they come...there are the APOSTLES"!!! To which, Caleb turns to me IN AWE.....and said..."I can't believe they are STILL ALIVE!" I know they must looked "old" to our children.....but, certainly not THAT OLD....and then....slowly the light bulb went off in my head.....All this time....Caleb was thinking that PETER, JAMES, and JOHN...were coming to our Conference....It never occured to me...he had been envisioning....THOSE APOSTLES...when we were talking about seeing REAL APOSTLES...(smile)

I suppose...in that incident....lies its own message...The WORLD of Christiandom...who love the APOSTLES of the NEW TESTAMENT....reject....there are LIVING PROPHETS/APOSTLES, today.... However, still for many Christians...they simply have not been told or know there are LIVING APOSTLES who are receiving the WILL and MIND of God....What they are missing....but what a BLESSING...for each of us...to TRULY KNOW THERE ARE LIVING PROPHETS OF GOD ON THE EARTH...with the same AUTHORITY as PETER, JAMES, and JOHN....!!! (smile)
It will be a THRILL to know...what YOU learned during Conference...PLEASE, share your thoughts and insights...this COMING WEEK...Starting NEXT Sunday...we will BEGIN with the first address...and see if we can't get through the ENTIRE CONFERENCE before the next one starts...(smile) MY THOUGHTS and PRAYERS...is that we all come away from this Conference filled with revelation for our families...as individuals...and as Saints...
May the Spirit be with all of us this day...