"Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice"

Joseph Smith - The Book of Mormon - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God..."

Hello...Dear Sisters...
We are going to start a wonderful "adventure" together...We will be studing the "counsel" and "wisdom" of our Prophet, Apostles, and other church leaders...We will begin with President Thomas S. Monson's OPENING remarks...on Saturday morning...You will find his talk

I am currently rereading a wonderful book I received on my mission...from a "convert" to the church...It was written by Elder Nathan Eldon Tanner, who was a member of the First Presidency called "Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God"...The title was his life's motto which was based on the scripture from Matthew 6:33 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his rightousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

What a wonderful thought...as we begin to PONDER over the message of this last General Conference...I am so looking forward to all your thoughts...and comments...May we all grow closer to a "Zionist" attitude of becoming of "one heart and one mind"...Love, Deb


  1. When we were in Brazil in August I was visiting with some of the sisters in the Ward in Rio de Janeiro where we attended church. We were talking about the temple and I said "Oh Sisters I wish that you had your own temple here in Rio." They quickly and unanimously replied "Oh no-- they need one much more in Curitiba". In this conference talk President Monson mentions attending the temple dedication in Curitiba which is a city in the South of Brazil very far from any other temple. Those generous women in Rio have to travel many hours themselves to go to the temple in Sao Paulo but they still would rather have a temple for the good people in Curitiba than have one of their very own. What a wonderful example of being a Zion people-- of one heart and mind. Concerned about the welfare of others over their own.

    I love the part at the end of the talk where President Monson mentions that he knows of our problems, challenges and disappointments and he admonishes us to listen to the other speakers during conference.

    I thought the overall tone of conference was one of hope despite being in the midst of despair. It's certainly made me think I need to quickly make sure my house is in order because I think there are many trails to come!


  2. Sandee and all other sisters...you can POST your comments on the bigger page if you would like...or simply COMMENT on the POST that is submitted...I hope I set this up correctly...so that you can know...I am NOT the only one who can POST commentary...(smile) For those who have never worked on a BLOG...it really is easy...once you learn the little tricks to it...My daughter had to take me one stip at a time...so...sisters, if I can learn how to BLOG...so can EACH OF YOU...(smile) Just let any of us know...if you need help...Don't want to miss anyone's comments...(smile)

  3. Now...I can comment...on YOUR comment, Sandee...Thank you for your first hand experience with the Sisters in Brazil...I was the opposite in my feelings when they were discussing...having the temple where it is now...or just up the street from US...I was SO HOPING...they would have chosen the ground off Lake Mary...Those Brazilian sisters could sure TEACH ME...about being more "generous" with my heart...(smile)

  4. I liked the power of prayer of President Monson, and like Sandee said what a comfort to know he is praying for us. I thought that if we pray with faith like him, we can bring to pass the miracle of the opening of other countries to the church.

  5. In speaking of prayer and faith for the trials ahead, I'm reminded of 3 of my favorite quotes...."The Lord will try us until He knows what He can do with us." (Lorenzo Snow) and in referring to our soul and heart...
    "No one will go to heaven who has not sent his heart there before him." and "Little faith will bring your soul to heaven; great faith will bring heaven to your soul."
    I LOVE these sayings... we're going to need to have heaven in our heart and soul; that is why as the conference talks indicated, even in despairing times we can have hope and peace because of the condition of our heart and soul ~

  6. LOVE your quotes, Joanna...Going to add them to my list of quotes...Here is another by President Harold B. Lee regarding FAITH:

    To one schooled in the doctrines of salvation and the history of the Restoration and with a testimony of the divine origin of this church, we would remind you that the acquiring of knowledge by faith is no easy road to learning. It demands strenuous effort and a continual striving by faith.

    In short, learning by faith is no task for a lazy man. Someone has said, in effect, that such a process requires the bending of the whole soul, the calling up from the depths of the human mind and linking it with God-the right connection must be formed. Then only comes "knowledge by faith." (71-29, p. 119)

    (Teachings of Harold B. Lee, 331.)

  7. Hi Sisters! Thank you for all your wonderful comments.

    After reading President Monson's words again, after hearing them before, a few things jumped out at me.

    With my job, I have to read a lot of dry material, and I'm always trying to pick out "what's in this for me?" or "what's my action item?"

    Well, I'm starting a list of CONFERENCE ACTION ITEMS, and here are my first 2:

    1. Encourage periodic large youth events, even if they "murmer". President Monson is "an advocate for such events." "They enable our youth to participate in something they truly find unforgettable. The friendships they form and the memories they make will be theirs forever."

    2. Pray for the opening of new mission fields. "I urge you to pray for the opening of those areas, that we might share with them the joy of the gospel."

    Thanks again for this GREAT blog, Debbie! Keep on sharing!

  8. GREAT catch...on the YOUTH comment, Liz...I was focused on the MISSIONARY - to do...Garvin and I have made sure that we PRAY in our couple and family prayers...regarding this URGING us to do so...but, because we have started praying on this focus...we are now making sure we are praying for our WARD missionaries...and our WARD members in this work...to open up the work here...(this ought to delight our NEW ELDERS...) (smile)
