This morning, Joanna Ebanks, posted her daily quote by Elder Maxwell...that prompted me to ponder over his statement:
Here is Elder Maxwell's quote:
"Mostly, brothers and sisters, we become the victims of our own wrong desires. Morever, we live in an age when many simply refuse to feel responsible for themselves. Thus, a crystal-clear understanding of the doctrines pertaining to desire is so vital because of the spreading effluent oozing out of so many unjustified excuses by so many. This is like a sludge which is sweeping society along toward "the gulf of misery an endless wo." Feeding the same flow is the selfish philosphy of "no fault," which is replacing the meek and apologetic "my fault." (Ensign, Nov 1996, p.21)
Then, Joanna asked, "Why do we kick against the pricks like we do?"
Here is my response:
You asked WHY do we "fight against the much"....GREAT QUESTION....I am first reminded of NEPHI...who is lamenting over the same issue...In SECOND Nephi...Chapter 4...beginning in verse 17...he says..." heart sorroweth because of my FLESH (the natural man); my soul grieveth becasue of mine iniquities. I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me...." "....when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have TRUSTED." It isn't until Nephi gets to verse 28 when he says...."AWAKE, MY SOUL! No longer droop in sin. REJOICE, O my heart, and give PLACE NO MORE FOR THE ENEMY OF MY SOUL." Nephi continues in this he STRUGGLES to put his TRUST in GOD FOREVER....
I think of the kind of man NEPHI was...all the TRIALS he had passed through...When he went through this this section of the had been nearly "30" years...of HARD CHALLENGES....He had been REFINED under many "refiner's fire"....As a PROPHET...he is still lamenting over his SINS...At what point...was he ABLE to RELEASE the NATURAL MAN that each of us possess?
I think it is a constant BATTLE...of our "will" vs. "Father's will"....or we would do things perfectly like Christ did...I is something we MUST PRAY FOR....As we EXPERIENCE....Father's we EXPERIENCE....tests and trials in our lives...and are able to RECOGNIZE Father's hand in it and develop that PERFECT TRUST....will we be only, then, able to FINALLY SHED the NATURAL MAN....We can't shed it without CHRIST....
I believe, also, at some point in our lives....we must understand that we will NEVER be able to CHANGE anyone...ONLY THE HOLY GHOST has the AUTHORITY to TESTIFY to the HEART...We can be EXAMPLES of "discipleship"....that might "inspire" another to make "changes" in their lives...but, we can NOT "change" how another individual behaves...I am now beginning to understand...that if the desires of our hearts are right with the SPIRIT...we can only PRAY....for "changes" in those we are most concerned about...The GIFT...our Father gave us...AGENCY TO THE TEST of LIFE...The only person we can concentrate on CHANGING is OURSELVES....
Do you remember how Benjamin Franklin made a list of virtues he felt important to master in this life...then, tried his upmost for one month to live ONE of those written virtues...??? Then, the next month...he worked on another virtue that was on his list...I believe he had around 11 "11" months over the year...he concentrated on ONE virtue...TIMES that with his 80 + years....well...I would think one would progress rather nicely....Not a bad come up with a list for ourselves...I actually have one...It is time I pull it out....and start PRACTICING....Seems I will need to ROTATE once a WEEK....I don't have 80 more years to PRACTICE....(smile)
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