If you don't have time to read this talk (which is totally worth it of course) then read President Hinckley's quote below from this talk. This talk is just not about "Priesthood" to me; it's about we as women - our beautiful calling..it makes you feel good about who you are...
President Hinckley declared: “Of all the creations of the Almighty, there is none more beautiful, none more inspiring than a lovely daughter of God who walks in virtue with an understanding of why she should do so, who honors and respects her body as a thing sacred and divine, who cultivates her mind and constantly enlarges the horizon of her understanding, who nurtures her spirit with everlasting truth.”
I loved what you Debbie and Sandee brought out to my attention in this talk, what I loved was..."be careful to control what enters your mind thru your eyes and ears to ensure that it is wholesome and elevating."
Control is a key word there....I've been bad in the past about going to see movies or TV shows just cuz I liked the theme of the show, etc and just because it was "an outing" .....now I never go without checking it out on screenit.com...I am way more strict with what I let "my eyes and ears see and hear" and I testify IT DOES MAKE A H U G E DIFFERENCE.
I use to think I was "caught" and it wouldn't be my fault if there were "making out scenes" or even the degrading way they treat romance because I somewhat tried to "screen" it by the ratings or whatever...but now I realize it totally IS MY FAULT...
....we don't see ourselves as who we REALLY are - the noble ones, the "saved back" ones, the epitome of true womanhood....I was "going with the flow" in a way because such "viewing" is popular or the "norm" ....but I should have seen myself thru Father's eyes...then I would have been much more extremely CAREFUL to preserve MY MIND FOR HIM and HIS WORK. It's just not worth it; my mind will kick back to those teensy "moments" from what I've seen and now I have to WORK at clearly that out....I tell myself "that's not who I am; I am so much more"....I am about virtue, gentleness, godliness, a heart for Him should not be clearing things out; I should have chosen and gotten use to a higher law...
...that's why I love the scriptures so much - they POUR light into me; they make me FEEL so much higher, so beyond all that stupid stuff movies try to make appealing and funny...they bring me so close to a Father who is my REAL FATHER - talk about taking a break, or being entertained or having your down time - once you've felt that relationship with HIM, there is no greater outlet! love you all ~